Experiencing stress in the workplace is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be lasting. In response to understanding the severe impacts of a chronically stressed workforce, employers are taking action.

Stress responses release hormones that increase heart rate and induce rapid breathing and muscle tension. Remaining in this elevated survival response for longer than necessary is detrimental to employee well-being. Organizations are opting for more productive and resilient workforces by incorporating stress management programs. This article discusses why corporate stress management is essential to an organization’s success as well as strategies stress management programs implement to help employees navigate pressure in the workplace.

Why Stress Management is Important

Knowing the symptoms of stress and how to manage it is imperative as it affects everything from physical health to demeanor, outlook, and ultimately quality of life. Unchecked stress has major consequences.

Effects of Stress on the Body

Both normal and chronic stress are impactful from the inside out. Signs the body is grappling with elevated stress hormones are:

  • Muscle tension
  • Chest pain/heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Insomnia
  • Weakened immune system (susceptible to infections, viral illnesses, longer recovery times)
  • High blood sugar & blood pressure (heart attack risk)

Effects of Stress on Behavior

Experiencing the following behavior symptoms can be indicative of a prolonged state of feeling overwhelmed:

  • Over/under eating
  • Unregulated emotions (outbursts)
  • Self-medicating
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sedentariness

Effects of Stress on Mood

While all sorts of factors affect one’s mood, if any of the following are frequent or persistent, it can be a direct link to being under constant pressure:

  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of focus/motivation
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Depression

Effects of Chronic Stress

Psychological resources slowly deteriorate and the brain and body break down when a person is chronically stressed. Feeling incapable of changing an unfavorable circumstance (poverty, turbulent relationship, dead-end career, etc.) is a common source of chronic stress and can result in:

  • Vulnerability to psychiatric/mood disorders
  • Vulnerability to addiction
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Type II diabetes
  • Arthritis

Why is Stress Management Needed in the Workplace?

The workplace is often fast-paced and highly competitive in addition to having hard deadlines, sales numbers to adhere to, etc. 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives. Worse yet, habits and routines are normalized and lines of communication established that make it difficult to identify sources and symptoms of stress.

Employees who don’t have the education, tools, or resources to spot and manage their stress contribute to higher rates of absenteeism and turnover. They also have lower productivity, higher healthcare costs, and a negative impact on workplace culture.

When stress management is encouraged and prioritized in the workplace, employees have the ability to be more creative and collaborative. Providing workforces with stress management techniques contributes to the overall success of organizations as employees are happier, healthier, and more resilient.

Strategies for Managing Stress in the Workplace

The best thing employers can do for their employees is understand and act on the importance of stress management at work. Leadership and middle-management can be preventative by monitoring overtime and hours worked, structuring jobs with purpose and opportunity for growth, and improving work-life balance.

Leadership sets the tone for a supportive culture that doesn’t shame employees for setting boundaries that help them manage stress. They can also create learning opportunities for the organization as a whole to identify symptoms of stress or burnout and stress reduction techniques.

Corporate Wellness & Stress Management Programs

The most effective way to manage stress is to make lifestyle changes. Corporate stress management programs leverage a variety of classes, coaching, and other initiatives to teach employees how exercise, nutrition, sleep, time management, and mindfulness relieve overwhelm. Comprehensive wellness programs foster actual lifestyle change as employees actively put these initiatives into action and build healthier habits together.

Find out why virtual yoga classes are an attractive addition to wellness programs.

Stress management programs not only show employees they’re valued, they improve emotional agility and resilience, enabling them to withstand change and pressure they encounter in and out of the workplace.

Strive Stress Management Programs

Strive’s stress management programs are multi-faceted. There are classes, workshops, and individual and group coaching for the following wellness initiatives:

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
  • Meditation
  • Breathing & relaxation
  • Yoga

Additionally, the following offerings are popular for helping employees manage stress:

  • Stress-related health talks
  • Dance therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Onsite chair massages

Strive also has full wellness programming to address stress comprehensively through nutrition and fitness programs, smoking cessation programs, and health talks/coaching on topics like alcohol consumption and sleep. Book a discovery call to launch a wellness program with Strive or incorporate a stress management program into existing wellness offerings.

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