In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s challenging to separate work from personal life. The more success you achieve, the more demanding the position becomes. It’s more important than ever to be intentional about avoiding burnout so you can‌ enjoy the perks of a successful career.

For many executives, the work is never done — and it never will be! It’s up to you to set boundaries and carve out time to prioritize your well-being. A constant attachment to work minimizes your productivity and eventually leads to health problems. This article explores strategies for unplugging from work so you can return refreshed, focused, and fulfilled.

Delegate Responsibilities

Delegating tasks to capable team members allows you to confidently disconnect from work and immerse yourself in your time off. It’s also a mutually beneficial approach that creates opportunities for employees to be challenged and develop their careers. Once a team member is identified, it’s essential to set clear expectations and provide access to any resources or support they may need in your absence.

While it’s important to exercise trust in their abilities, in some cases you may want to make appointments in advance to monitor progress or provide feedback to resolve time-sensitive issues. Delegating responsibilities relieves the mental burden of work while empowering employees to take on new tasks. Be sure to recognize and reward their success upon your return!

Set Clear Expectations

Clearly communicating your planned time away from work to colleagues helps prevent misunderstandings and supports a smooth transition. It also helps to manage expectations and reduces work-related interruptions so you can fully disconnect during your time off. Setting an out-of-office message on your devices with an alternative contact for urgent matters further reinforces boundaries and a lack of disruptions.

Help colleagues respect your boundaries by avoiding frequent check-ins. This sets the tone for your time away, allowing you to recharge without work-related stressors.

Focus on Self-Care

Unplugging from work to focus on self-care is essential for overall well-being. Some people plan to guide their time, while others prefer to be more flexible. Whatever approach you choose, it’s important to prioritize activities that support your health, such as exercising, walking, eating nutritious meals, and getting quality sleep. Spending time in nature is also beneficial for mental health.

Expressing creativity through activities like painting, music, or writing provides an outlet for stress relief and originality. Challenge yourself to explore new interests by trying something you’ve never done, or traveling to a place you’ve never been. Connect with others through spending time together or volunteering to bolster your sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Lastly, activities such as mindfulness meditation and breathwork can help you feel anchored and calm amid life’s challenges.

Prioritize What You Love

Whether you’re on vacation or it’s simply after scheduled working hours, it’s vital to make time for things that make us feel joyful and fulfilled outside of work. It helps to create a routine, such as signing up for a class or setting a regular time to pursue a personal project or hobby such as blogging, reading, or playing a sport.

Being present with loved ones, whether it’s spending quality time with family and friends or enjoying the company of a pet, provides a sense of connection and happiness. Visiting places you love, like a local park, a nearby beach, or a favorite vacation spot is a great way to fully unplug from work and create balance.

Set Boundaries Around Technology

Because technology is an integral part of life, it can be difficult to disconnect from work-related matters even during personal time. Use auto-reply messages to notify colleagues that you’re unavailable and when they can expect a response. If you know ahead of time you’ll be receiving work communications, set a specific block of time to address them. Preserve your personal time to recharge by silencing notifications or temporarily deleting certain apps entirely to deter the temptation to check in.

While work-related matters are unavoidable at times, it is important to designate periods to fully engage in the present moment and proactively abstain from technology, such as during meals. Setting clear boundaries and expectations around technology use is a crucial step to unplugging from work and enhancing your overall well-being.

Strive Wellness Programs Help Alleviate Burnout

While everyone needs to take time to recharge from work, employers can help employees practice self-care and keep burnout at bay by providing wellness opportunities at work. Strive corporate wellness programs leverage education, instructor-led classes, engagement initiatives, and special events to support employee well-being.

Our wraparound service delivery is designed to alleviate internal administration of the program and encourage employee engagement for ongoing sustainability. Book a discovery call to explore how Strive can help your organization alleviate burnout, maximize productivity, and create healthier, happier employees.

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